Streamlining Your Laravel App with Effective Policy Use and DRY Best Practices
Table of Contents
As a seasoned Laravel developer, I've faced my fair share of challenges when it comes to managing user authorization and keeping my codebase DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). Like you, I understand the importance of writing maintainable and scalable code. In this article, I'm set to show you how to use Laravel policies to handle authorization beautifully while also providing practical tips to avoid that pesky code duplication demon that haunts every developer's dreams.
Crafting Fine-grained Authorization with Laravel Policies
Laravel, a modern PHP framework, encapsulates much of its allure in offering elegant ways to handle complex tasks. One such feature is Laravel policies – they are the embodiment of simplicity and fine control when it comes to user authorization.
// Example of creating a policy
php artisan make:policy PostPolicy --model=Post
This command gracefully scaffholds a policy for your model, and from here on, defining abilities (Laravel's term for authorization actions) is both fun and intuitive.
Real-world Scenario - The Blog System
Imagine you're building a blog platform. You have Posts
and you want to authorize actions like creating, updating, deleting, or viewing. You'd typically want only authenticated users to create posts, authors to edit their posts, and admins to delete any post. That's where policies shine!
// In PostPolicy.php
public function update(User $user, Post $post)
return $user->id === $post->user_id;
public function delete(User $user, Post $post)
return $user->isAdmin() || $user->id === $post->user_id;
Through the use of policies, we encapsulate authorization logic associated with a particular model in one place, making our controllers lighter and our intentions clearer.
Dodging Duplication: Embrace DRY
Writing the same code over and over? Stop! Instead, let's talk about practical ways to DRY up your Laravel app.
Services and Repositories - Your Code's Best Friends
If you find yourself repeating data logic in multiple controllers, a repository
or a service class
can be your knight in shining armor.
Imagine having data logic scattered across controller methods when dealing with user profiles. Here's where a UserProfileService
can centralize all user profile related logic, ensuring you write it once and use it everywhere.
// In UserProfileService.php
class UserProfileService
public function updateProfile(User $user, array $data)
// Update user profile logic
// In UserController.php
public function updateProfile(UpdateProfileRequest $request)
app(UserProfileService::class)->updateProfile(auth()->user(), $request->validated());
Traits - Reuse, Don't Abuse
Traits in PHP are a fantastic way to reuse methods across different classes.
trait Authorizable
public function canEdit($entity)
return $this->id === $entity->user_id;
class User
use Authorizable;
// ...
Remember, while traits help in minimizing code duplication, they should be used judiciously to not violate single responsibility principles.
Keep Your Blade Sharp!
Blade templates in Laravel are excellent. They can be extended, included, and every bit reused. Use @include
, @extends
, and @component
judiciously to keep the DRY principle alive in your views.
{{-- In views/posts/show.blade.php --}}
@include('', ['post' => $post])
Event Listeners - A Symphony of Reactions
If multiple actions in your app should trigger the same reaction, consider using Laravel's event system.
When a user updates their profile, you may want to clear the cache and send a notification. Instead of repeating this code, dispatch an event and let listeners take care of the response.
// In ProfileUpdated.php event class
use Illuminate\Foundation\Events\Dispatchable;
class ProfileUpdated
use Dispatchable;
public $user;
public function __construct(User $user)
$this->user = $user;
// In EventServiceProvider.php
protected $listen = [
'App\Events\ProfileUpdated' => [
Laravel's semantic elegance, from policies to events, proffers a rich set of tools for crafting applications that are both maintainable and delightful to work with. By embracing the strategies I've shared today, you'll enhance your development experience and the quality of your Laravel applications.
Thanks for joining me on this journey to clean, efficient code. Happy coding, and never forget the virtue of
"Write once, use everywhere!"
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